martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

Talk by José Antonio, psychologist in Médico Pedro Herrero School

The talk focused on two main topics: conflict resolution in class and excellence in living.

1. Conflict resolution

The first step in order to solve conflicts is to know that CONFLICTS WILL ALWAYS EXIST, so it has no sense trying to avoid them. Conflicts should be considered as an opportunity to grow and learn. That’s why the best option is to be prepared for them. How?
  • Uncovering problems. It is important not to lose control because we are the point of reference for children. We must be firm, but relaxed, and disclose the causes of the problem.
  • Adapting strategies to context and to our own style of teaching. We must get involved in the environment of the school and adapt our strategies.
  • Preventing bigger conflicts. “Treating a cold avoids pneumonia. To attach importance to little conflicts, so that they don’t become big conflicts.
  • Creating a favorable climate for coexistence. “My rights end where yours begin.”
  • Taking a proactive perspective. It is convenient to act before the problems happen, that is, a priori.
  • Using the simplest procedures:
    • Economy of roles: it is better a gesture than a word, and a word than a lecture.
    • Economy of people and resources: if the conflict can be solved by a teacher, there is no need to turn to the others.
    • Economy of time: it is better to solve the conflict briefly than to solve it by a long a complicated process.
  • Using punitive measures as a last resort.

Educational Strategies: What can I do to make my classroom work?

We will take into account 3 factors:
  • Expectations. What are our students able to do?
  • Motivation. Motivation consists of achieving that students prioritize school tasks over other activities.
  • Self-concept, that is, what they think about themshelves. This is directly related to self-esteem.

2. Excellence in living.

The main different between the first topic and the second one is that “Excellence in living” is centered in teachers, while “Conflict resolution” has students as the most important objective.
Therefore, this section is composed of some tips to meet our needs as teachers:

THINK that:
  • In order to make our dreams come true, we must have a dream.
  • Nobody will know what is able to do without trying.
  • Sometimes all is not what it seems.
  • The more you give, the more you receive.
  • Students don’t ask you to solve their problems, but to listen to them.
  • Sometimes it is better to change the treatment then to increase the dose.
  • If your problem has no solution, change the problem and accept what doesn’t depend on you.

To DO:
  • Take a walk every day.
  • Start the day with renewed hope.
  • Ask for help when you need it.
  • Search for solutions when you have a problem.
  • Recognize your mistakes.
  • Show your feelings.
  • Be yourself.
  • Help those who need it.
  • Appreciate what you have.
  • Give thanks for what you have.

  • Thanks.
  • Sorry.

To finish, I would like to share with you a nice video that José Antonio showed us during the talk:

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